It's me

It's me
In Hawaii

Saturday, November 17, 2012



In April of 2011 my partner and I were making  plans to go to China to visit with my very special friend, Ming.  Ming and I have been friends after meeting on-line and chatting and getting to know each other for about 5 years.  We have helped each other going through  some bad times as well as good times and had gotten very close.  We would chat on FaceTime and my partner also would chat a little so he also knew Ming and liked him also.  

My partner pass away before we could make the trip, and I was going to cancel the trip.  A lot of family and friends told me that I should go by myself, that my partner would have wanted me too, so I went ahead with the plans to make the trip to China, and to meet my friend, who at this time was a very special friend.

The plan was for us to meet in Hong Kong

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It all started with my Prostrate cancer in 1998. My cancer was well advanced when it was discovered and had to be completely removed, and then I was scanned from head to toe to make sure it had not spred anywhere else in my body. Three years after the surgey I had to go through Radiation treatments because my PSA started to raise an indication that the cancer is coming back. Then in 2007 again my PSA was raising again and went through a Hormone theropy where I had a hormone pellet injected into my stomack every 3 months. Now I have to have my PSA checked every 3 months and will for the rest of my life.
After the Postrate Cancer I was dianosted with Dieabetes. At first I was on just medications and after they were maxed out and my dieabetes was not under control, I was started on insluin at bed time along with the medication, and again it was not enough to keep it under control. So now I am on insluin with every meal and at bed time along with the medication.

After our return from Europe I went to see my doctor because in Europe my feet would swell up and make very hard to walk. She was concerned about blood clots in my legs so she sent me in for an ultrasound. The ultrasound did not find any blood clots but did find an anurisuym in my right leg. After that I was sent in for a scan to check on how big the anuriym was. It also found one in my left leg. So again I was sent in to have a whole body scan to make sure I didn't have any more. The one in my right leg was found to be quite large and needed to be fix right away. They scheduled my surgrey for two weeks later. On July 27 2008 I had my first operation. My second operation was the week before Thanksgiving in 2008. I now have to be scaned once a year to make sure I don't have any more starting up anywhere in me.

On Valintine's day 2009 about an hour after I got up I started to have trouble getting my breath. It kind of eased up so Tam and I drove to San Jose. On the way back I again started to have trouble to breath, so when we got to the city we went right to the VA Hospital. I was given an EKG and other vitals. Because I was not in any pain they ruled out a heart attack. They then sent me in for a scan to see if they could find any reason for me not getting my breath. The scan showed that I had large blood clots in both my lungs. The clots had come from my lower right leg. I was admitted to the hospital and put in the ICU and put on blood thinners. At about 3am I had a minor heart attack, minor because the doctors were right there to stop it. I was given a blood disolver to remove the clot that was right where the vein splits to go to the lungs. The next day I had a filter put in to chatch any more clots coming up. They went in my neck and placed the filter down by my belly button. They had to remove it 14 day later. Now I am on blood thinners and will be most likley for the rest of my life. I have had to go in to have blood drawn every other day until we got the right dosage. Now we have to back off on them for my upcoming operation.


While they were scanning me for the blood clots they found a spot on my spine. They wanted to do a biopsy on it and did another scan to get a better look at it and found that it was attached to and going in my spine and that it must come out now. So I am scheduled for the operation on the 27 of April. The plan is to go between my ribs, deflate my left lung and remove the tumor. If it is bigger than my ribbs opening the will have to spread and or break them to get it out.


I have been going into the hospital 3 or 4 times a week in preperation for the tumor operation and having test done to make sure that I am strong enough for it. On one of the visits I was informed that my iron count was way down and sence I was not bleeding in my stools or urian it ment I was bleeding some where else. Most of the time it is in the colon and 90 to 95 per cent of the time that means colon cancer. So before my operation I will have to go have them check out my colon and throth on the 21 of April.

All of the above are life threating and any one of them can or could still take my life from me. Mr. Death is waitting in the wings and I can't but wonder what will he try next.

That Time of Year Again

That time of year is here again. Where you are to have the sprit of Christmas and joy to all and peace on earth....yea right. What about the rest of the year why try to get it all in one month and then forget it for the rest of the year.

Nobody has the sprit of Christmas, it's not about Christ anymore its all about shopping for everyone you ever knew. The joy turns into frustration and rushing around looking for that one Special gift takes the joy out of the season. Peace on earth nobody cares about anyone or thing but themselfs and theres and God help the one who get between them and what they want.
Oh and lets not forget spending the money you don't have. That puts them in a real good mood.

The decorations for the house, yes, let put up decorations to remind us that it is "the season" and then just go about not enjoying them or remembering what they repensent.

For me personaly it is more depressing than joyful for me and also is and was a very full month
My parents (both have passed on now) wedding annavsrey was the 8th , my God-Mother's birthday way the 9th, My son's birthday is the 10th, Christmas eve and Christmas, my mother's birthday was the 29th, my birthday is the 30th and New Years the 31.....yes a lot going on this month and I find it harder and harder to get into the mood of the season. I do get depressed, and even tho there are a lot of people around me who do care it is just not the happy time it should be.

But again I will put on a happy face and go to all the party's and pretend, like most of them, I am happy and enjoying it